Saturday 21 January 2012

Chickens Try Off Grid Living And Enjoy Year-Round Christmas

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Chickens Go Off Grid And Enjoy Year-Round ChristmasWith energy prices soaring and environmental awareness improving, many are turning to renewable energy as the solution – even chickens are trying off grid living.

To fool the chickens into thinking it’s daytime and ensure they lay eggs all year round, farmers usually install lights in their chicken coops. The only problem comes in is when a coop is far from the power outlet, and long extension cords have to be used.

This happened at the World Hunger Relief Farm where they had two mobile coops. The coops were used as mobile fertilizers and situated far from any power source.  Initially the folks over at the farm connected long extension cords to power the coop lights, but they suddenly had the urge to make the coops completely mobile and get their chickens off the grid.

They had heard a lot about solar power and how a few small panels could be used to power small appliances.  So they decided to give it a try. And with the help of engineers they installed two small solar panels, charge controllers (batteries), and a small 100 watt inverter.  And to save power they replaced the light bulb with high-tech LED christmas lights that use less than five watts of power.

Anna, one of the students, said, “We mounted the solar panels on the side of the coop and put all the electric components in a five gallon bucket to protect them from the elements. We finished up and left at around 3PM for lunch. When we returned later in the evening it was one of the most hilarious sights ever.”

Apparently all the chickens were huddled around the white christmas lights, clucking in delight, all thinking about laying more eggs. Thanks to the confluence of old and new technologies – animal domestication and modern electronics – the chickens were living off the grid and could enjoy a year-round Christmas.

So, if chickens can do it, then so can you.  And with affordable diy energy solutions, there is no reason anyone cannot enjoy off grid living.

Originally posted 2008-11-16 09:07:49.

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